Emblem Cannabis IPO Crushes It!

Jeff Siegel

Posted December 13, 2016

I was wrong.

Sometimes, when you’re analyzing stocks, you make predictions that just don’t turn out as planned.

Even the most successful analysts on the planet get it wrong sometimes.

But today, I’m here to admit my mistake.

Last week, I told you about a company called Emblem Cannabis (TSX-V: EMC), which was set to go public last Friday.

But it didn’t happen.

Due to a minor clerical error, the stock did not debut until yesterday morning.

I also suggested that the stock would open between $1.60 and $2.00 a share.

I was way, way off.

Emblem did not open anywhere near that.

It opened at $2.99!

A Quick Hundred Grand!

As I mentioned last week, members of my Green Chip Stocks community had an opportunity to buy shares of Emblem — before it went public — at $0.50 a share.

That means when the stock opened at $2.99, we were up 398%.

To put that in perspective, a $20,000 investment in this private deal was worth $99,600 yesterday morning.

By the end of the day, it was worth more than $110,000 after the stock closed at $3.26.

Of course, not all of our members got in.

In order to take part in that deal, they had to…

1.) Be an accredited investor
2.) Have at least $20,000 to invest
3.) Buy those shares when I recommended the deal

A lot of our members were able to take advantage of that deal though, and today, they are considerably wealthier because of it.

But I’m not telling you about this to brag.

I’m telling you because I want you to get in on these types of deals, too.

A Piece of Advice

As a member of Wealth Daily, you open these emails every day, looking for solid investment advice.

And based on our track record, that’s exactly what you get.

But today, I’m going to give you a piece of investment advice that I hope you take to heart and, of course, act on.

Here it is…

If you want to make some real money, like the folks who were just able to turn $20k into $100,000, then you have to do more than just invest in stocks on the public market.

You have to get in on these kinds of private deals, too.

The kinds of deals where millionaires pick up pre-IPO shares of any number of companies for pennies on the dollar.

The kinds of deals that allow the rich to get richer — regardless of whether the market is soaring or crashing.

The kinds of deals that can allow you to go from bragging about a year-end portfolio gain of 30% to keeping quiet on the 400% gain you just made on a single deal.

But the only way to get in on these kinds of private deals is to either already be connected to the insiders or know someone who can get you connected.

I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you again: I’m that guy.

And if you’re ready to step up your game and join the big leagues, the best advice I can give you is to become a member of Green Chip Stocks right now.

Understand, I’m not saying this to chest-pound or to be arrogant or pompous. I’m just being honest.

We’ve been crushing it all year long. Just take a look at some of these winners…

  • Aphria, Inc. (TSX-V: APH) — up 344%
  • Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: CGC) — up 528%
  • OrganiGram Holdings (TSX-V: OGI) — up 722%
  • THC Biomed (CSE: THC) — up 675%
  • Mettrum Health (TSX-V: MT) — up 328%

And that’s just a small sampling that doesn’t include that 400% gain we saw yesterday with Emblem Cannabis.

So yes, the best advice I can give you before we head into another year of mind-blowing profits is to simply become a member of Green Chip Stocks. It’ll be the best investment decision you’ll make all year.

You can click here to learn more.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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